Grief is a perfectly natural reaction to the loss of a loved one, a pet, a job, a house, or anything in which a great amount of emotion has been invested. The grieving process has definite stages through which most individuals must pass in order to come to terms with their loss and resolve the situation satisfactorily.

Symptoms of stages
• Initial sense of unreality or numbness.
• Refusal to believe that the loss has occurred, with hallucinations of a loved one or the feeling that they are present. This can last for up to three months.
• Series of complex emotions such as guilt (for example, for not spending more time with the lost person) and anger (for example, with God for taking the person or with the doctors for not doing enough to save the deceased’s life), leading to despair and depression, possibly associated with bowel upsets, mental disorders, and even a susceptibility to suicide.
• State of depression with a tendency to increase the use of drugs or alcohol, sleeping problems, general feelings of a lack of well-being, agitation, and tearfulness. Eventually, life becomes bearable, and even enjoyable, but the whole process may take up to two years or more. There is some evidence that the death of a partner may increase the chance of death in the bereaved.

Conventional care
Treatment of long-term depression may require the involvement of a psychiatrist, in conjunction with antidepressant drugs, psychotherapy, and counseling. Help may also be obtained from a variety of support groups and religious organizations.

Homeopathic medicine
Homeopathic remedies can help at each stage of the grieving process. If a person does not appear to be recovering, however, constitutional treatment may be necessary, the remedy depending upon individual symptoms . Aurum met. is indicated for those who are grieving over the loss of a loved one or the failure of a business. Causticum is given for chronic, long-term grief and feelings akin to grief that are triggered by childbirth; Ignatia is used to treat the initial impact of grief; and Phosphoric ac. is used in the treatment of grief associated with great exhaustion. Staphysagria is indicated for suppressed grief that is linked to embarrassment or humiliation. Other remedies prescribed constitutionally include Lachesis, Nat. mur., and Phosphorus. Remedies specifically for the early stages of grief include Arnica, when the grieving
person wants to be left alone, insists they are all right, rejects physical comfort, and displays the reactions of a person in shock; Aconite, if there is great fear and the person is on the verge of collapse, having witnessed a violent death for example; and Opium, when the bereaved is literally numb with grief, and is very frightened by the death of their loved one. In the later stages of grief, Nux vomica is indicated when there is great anger and criticism of others, and Pulsatilla is prescribed for tearfulness at the slightest provocation, insomnia, and recurrent colds accompanied by yellow or green catarrh.

The most important thing for a grieving person to do is to express their emotions. If they have difficulty talking about their problems, they should write down their thoughts, paint a picture, or use some other form of expression. Bottling up emotions may lead to chronic depression or lowered resistance to physical illnesses. Relaxation techniques or massage may also be of great benefit.It is also important that someone who is grieving is kind to and patient with themselves. They may believe that life will never be the same again, but time does heal, and their anguish will lessen. If progress through the grieving process is slow, however, talking to a counselor who has received specific training in dealing with grief, such as those working for support groups, is advisable.


Medically speaking, depression is more than the sadness many people feel periodically. It combines despondency, hopelessness, apathy, and a lack of well-being, and can persist for some time. There may be physical symptoms. In parts of the developed world, one person in 25 feels depressed enough at some point in their life to seek professional help.

• Slow thinking, inability to concentrate, indecision, general lack of interest, and recurrent thoughts about death.
• Increase or decrease in appetite or weight, slowing down of movement, and loss of energy.

Depression may have an obvious external cause, such as the death of a loved one. It may follow a viral infection, childbirth, or be caused by chemical imbalances in the body. These may occur naturally—for example, due to an underactive thyroid gland—or result from taking prescribed drugs, such as the contraceptive pill or sleeping pills, or from drug or alcohol addiction. Periods of depression may alternate with impulsive, energetic behavior—a condition known as manic depression. There is an affliction called seasonal affective disorder (SAD), in which people become depressed in winter, possibly due to insufficient sunlight. More often, however, depression is a spiritual problem, involving a negative attitude to life that leads to feelings of fear, anger, guilt, and frustration, possibly accompanied by a sense of persecution, loneliness, and hopelessness. Severely depressed people may become suicidal, or experience delusions. Long-term depression may result from childhood trauma such as the death of a parent.

Conventional care
Mild depression may be treated with antidepressant drugs, sometimes together with psychotherapy or psychoanalysis. Severe depression is still treated with electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), but only after all other methods have failed.

Homeopathic medicine
Most homeopathic practitioners treat depression constitutionally. Remedies are determined largely by an individual’s symptoms. It may be the case that if emotional problems are alleviated, physical problems come to the fore . Aurum met. is associated with the kind of despair that might lead to suicide; while Causticum is indicated for a feeling of loss of control. China is prescribed for low spirits following menstruation or associated with neuralgic pain; and Lachesis is given for premenstrual or menopausal depression. Nat. mur. is used for depression associated
with the suppression of grief. Other remedies prescribed constitutionally include Arsen. alb.,Calc. carb., Graphites, Lycopodium, Nat. carb.,Platina, Pulsatilla, Sepia, Sulphur, and Thuja. Specific remedies include Ignatia, when depression results from bereavement or the breakup of a relationship; or Cadmium sulph., following a viral illness such as mononucleosis that produces a lack of energy. Nux vomica is used when there is great irritability, extreme chilliness, and overcriticism of others; while Aconite is often given for the sudden onset of depression following a fright or shock, and which is linked with a fear of death.

If minor depression is brought on by overwork or stress, time-management techniques will provide for the prioritization of tasks and time out for relaxation and the pursuit of interests. A sense of isolation can be reduced by taking up an interest that involves meeting new people. Those often confined to the home should arrange to go out frequently. Mild depression can be helped by dietary changes, especially the elimination of caffeine and the inclusion of vitamin and mineral supplements. Some prescribed drugs may have depressive side-effects. It might be worth consulting a doctor with a view to changing the prescription.


Cancer is a by-product of the growth and repair processes within the human body whereby 500 billion new cells are formed each day. Inevitably, some of these cells are defective, and their growth may become out of control. Defective cells are usually destroyed by the body’s immune system,
but if this does not occur, a rapidly dividing colony of defective cells becomes a tumor. This tumor may grow and spread into adjacent body tissue. Cancer may affect major organs, bones, glands, skin, or muscles. The symptoms vary from site to site.

• Lumps or changes in the color or other features of the skin.
• Symptoms of obstruction in the digestive tract, or hoarseness.
• Bleeding from orifices such as the mouth or anus.
• Severe, recurrent, or constant headaches.
• Ulcers or sores that do not heal.
• Changes in bowel habits.
• Changes in the breasts.
• Painful, numb, or tingling nerves.
• Rapid, unexplained weight loss.

The exact causes of cancer are unknown. Most experts agree that probably at least two factors, such as genetic tendency and diet, or pollution and infection, combine to create a disturbance within a cell. Chromosomes may be damaged before birth, as a result of inherited or acquired defects of the immune system, or by radiation, viruses, tobacco smoke, carcinogenic substances such as asbestos, a lack of antioxidants such as vitamins A, C, E, and selenium, other dietary
deficiencies, or aging. Complementary medical practitioners believe that other factors are significant too, such as food intolerance, carcinogens in food—for example, preservatives, other additives, and pesticide traces—and psychological factors, particularly suppressed emotional shock or great stress.
It has also been postulated that some people are more than usually sensitive to geopathic stress (natural radiation emitted by the Earth), or emissions from buildings or power cables.

Conventional care
Cancer can be detected by cytology tests such as pap smears, X-rays, imaging techniques such as mammograms, and chemical markers in the blood—for example, prostate-specific antigen, which can identify otherwise undetectable prostate cancer. Often, however,diagnosis of cancer follows the appearance of symptoms, and is confirmed by a biopsy.In most cases, treatment involves radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or surgery, or a combination of these. Radiotherapy uses radiation to reduce and destroy tumors and cancer cells that have spread beyond the original tumor or traveled to other parts of the body (metastasis). Chemotherapy has the same aim, but uses anticancer drugs. Surgery removes the primary tumor. The principal aim of conventional methods is to suppress the rate of growth of the cancer. They are more effective with cancers in certain parts of the body than in others.

Homeopathic medicine
Most homeopathic practitioners would agree that a combination of homeopathic and conventional techniques, along with dietary and other lifestyle changes, is the best program of treatment. The ability of a cancerous growth to destroy the surrounding healthy tissue has to be dealt with quickly, and conventional medicine can do this. Homeopathy, on the other hand, attempts to address the underlying causes. As with other chronic ailments, this takes the form of constitutional assessment. Of particular interest is the psychological makeup of a person, especially signs of severe emotional stress that might have impaired immunity. Constitutional remedies will be largely determined by an individual’s symptoms , but Arsen. alb. is often indicated for cancers with burning pain and in any location. Bromium, on the other hand, is effective for breast cancer in particular. Carbo an. is used to treat cancers of the breast, stomach, uterus, and glands in the later stages, while Nitric ac. is associated with cancer of the
breast, uterus, vagina, and rectum. Other constitutional remedies often used to treat cancer are Conium, Lycopodium, Phosphorus, and Silica. Those associated with cancer in particular organs include Phosphorus, Calcium, Fluoric ac., Conium, and Hekla for bones; Crotalus and Kali. mur. for connective tissue; and Carbo an., Conium, and Aurum mur. for glands.

Other treatments
It is generally acknowledged that dietary excess or deficiency may predispose an individual to the formation of cancer. Controversy surrounds the use of dietary treatment for the disease, but it can play a supportive role. Most therapies have their origins in the Gerson treatment based on an initially vegan, then lacto-vegetarian diet, along with fruit and vegetable juices and coffee enemas to detoxify the liver.Many nutritional therapies include high doses of antioxidants to counteract cellular damage inflicted by free radicals in the bloodstream. These are absorbed from the environment as well as foods. Other complementary therapies use combinations of herbs or substances such as extractions of mistletoe and shark cartilage, but many await further trials.

The diet should include plenty of unrefined carbohydrates and fresh fruits and vegetables, but few animal fats or animal proteins. Nutritional supplements prescribed by a doctor may safely be accompanied by over-the-counter antioxidants, and are advisable during radiotherapy or chemotherapy. Adequate physical exercise is desirable, although symptoms may restrict choice.
Emotional or other psychological problems need to be tackled. Meditation, prayer, and relaxation may help to establish a positive outlook and strengthen the will to live. Visualization techniques can be used to encourage the destruction of the cancer by treatment, and to focus on a fully functioning immune system.


The aims of first aid are to save life, limit injury, ease pain and anxiety, and summon the most appropriate help available. All first-aid methods, whether they are associated with conventional
medicine or complementary therapies, are based on a common-sense approach to dealing with a serious accident or a minor scrape. Homeopathic remedies can help to relieve pain, to allay
anxiety and fear, and to facilitate healing. They can be used in conjunction with any other medication.

The most important things to do in an emergency are to keep a clear head and not to panic, to determine what the priorities are, and to act decisively and promptly. Ideally, at least one person in every household should be trained in first-aid procedures. Only once the priorities listed below have been identified should homeopathic remedies be given.

Assessing serious conditions
Make sure that you, the victim, and your surroundings are safe. Very gently shake the victim by both shoulders—without moving the neck in case of head or neck injuries—and ask a question or give a command.If there is no response, proceed airway, breathing, and circulation.

If a victim is unconscious, and you have already checked their airway, breathing, and circulation and you do not suspect serious head or spinal injuries, carefully maneuver them into a safe position and call the emergency services. Do not leave an unconscious person unattended. Check their airway, breathing, and pulse every five minutes. Make sure that they are kept warm, but that they do not become overheated.

Check any open wounds to see if there is bleeding. If there is, apply a sterile pad and, if possible, a bandage. If there is a profuse flow of blood from the wound, call the emergency services. Place a sterile pad over the wound and apply firm pressure to the area until the bleeding stops or medical help arrives.

Cool all small burns in cold water for up to 10 minutes, then cover with plastic wrap or a burn dressing. If neither is available, use a non-fluffy, clean dressing. If burns extend over an area larger than the palm of a hand, call the emergency services and carefully cover the affected parts with plastic wrap. Do not attempt to remove any pieces of clothing that may have adhered to burned skin. Do not burst blisters or apply lotion, cream, or gel to the wounds. If the victim is conscious, administer sips of water to minimize fluid loss.

Evidence of a fracture includes pain, an inability to move the affected part, visible deformity, swelling, bruising, and shock. Try to immobilize the affected part to prevent further damage and blood loss. Bandage an arm against the chest or one leg to the other, for example. Pad out the bandages above and below the fracture so that clothes and blankets do not exert pressure on it. If the fracture is open, apply padding to each side of the bone, then cover the whole area with a
sterile dressing. Apply pressure to the padding to help slow the bleeding. Call the emergency services or take the victim to hospital if the injury affects the upper limb.

The airway may be obstructed by food, the tongue, vomit, or a foreign object, causing coughing, crying, and breathing difficulties. Check the mouth and remove any obvious
obstruction. Encourage the victim to cough. If the victim cannot cough, breathe, or speak, stand behind him and wrap your arms around his waist, under his breastbone. Make a fist with one hand and hold it in your other hand, Pull sharply upward and inward five times. Repeat the slaps and pulls three times. If the victim stops breathing, be prepared to do cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).

Electric shock
If someone has suffered an electric shock, turn off the circuit breaker or use a broom handle or dry clothing to separate the victim from the power source. Keep them away from water, which conducts electricity. Start basic life support . Look for any wounds. Lay a conscious person on their back, raise the legs slightly, and tilt the head to one side with the chin up. Place an unconscious victim in a safe position, and cover them.

These remedies for common minor injuries and illnesses make a good star t-up selection, which can be added to gradually.
Dosages are suitable for adults, children, and babies.
• Aconite 30c • Rhus tox. 6c • Apis 30c • Ruta 6c
• Arnica 6c, 30c • Silica 6c • Bryonia 30c • Symphytum 6c
• Cantharis 6c, 30c • Ur tica urens 6c • Carbo veg. 30c • Euphrasia 6c
• Hypericum 30c • Ledum 6c • Nux vomica 6c • Phosphorus 6c

Arnica 30c every 2 hours for 6 doses, then 3 times daily up to 3 days
Ledum 6c every 2 hours for 6 doses, then 3 times daily up to 3 days
Hypericum 30c every 2 hours up to 3 days

Arnica 30c every 5 minutes up to 10 doses
Lachesis 6c every 8 hours up to 3 days
Crotalus 30c every 15 minutes up to 6 doses

Arnica 30c every 5 minutes up to 10 doses
Ledum 6c every 8 hours up to 3 days
Apis 30c every 15 minutes up to 6 doses

Arnica 30c every 15 minutes up to 3 doses
Cantharis 30c every 15 minutes up to 6 doses
Urtica urens 6c every 15 minutes up to 10 doses

Cantharis 6c 4 times daily until pain wears off
Rhus tox. 6c 4 times daily until pain wears off

Arnica 6c every 2 hours up to 4 doses
Ledum 6c every 2 hours up to 10 doses
Euphrasia 6c every 2 hours up to 3 doses
Hypericum 30c half-hourly up to 10 doses
Arnica 30c every 4 hours up to 6 doses

This ailment occurs when the balance mechanism in the inner ear is upset by motion, especially while reading or focusing on stationary objects. Travel sickness is most common among children.
Avoid eating greasy foods and overeating before traveling. To prevent travel sickness, begin taking the appropriate remedy one hour before star ting a journey. If there is vomiting, sip water frequently to avoid dehydration. If possible, increase ventilation in the vehicle in which you are traveling.
CAUTION People with insulin-dependent diabetes should be observed for hypoglycemia given glucose or a sugary drink if necessary.

Tabacum 6c every 15 minutes up to 10 doses
Cocculus 6c every 15 minutes up to 10 doses
Nux vomica 6c every 15 minutes up to 10 doses


Homeopathy is well suited to the treatment of emotional problems. As a holistic form of medicine, it examines all aspects of an individual—physical, intellectual, and spiritual—and a practitioner does not separate these elements when prescribing treatment. Homeopathic practitioners do not delineate where one ends and the other begins. The investigation of a person’s experience on a number of levels is helpful in dealing with ailments that reveal both a physical and a mental imbalance. Many emotional problems have their origins in stressful situations, exhaustion and overwork, dietary overindulgence or allergy, or fears and insecurities.By focusing on the response of the vital force of the body to external problems, homeopathy can stimulate a person’s ability to cope with and modify those problems, at least in the short term. Homeopathic treatment for emotional problems is best combined in the long term with dietary changes, regular exercise, relaxation techniques or movement therapies, and stress management in order to maximize the benefits of treatment.



Insomnia describes a persistent pattern of intermittent sleep that leaves the sufferer feeling tired and unrefreshed. It may occur simply because the bedroom is too hot or airless, or because of having to get up during the night to urinate. It is more likely to be the result of being unwell or of pain—to which oversensitivity may develop—or of disturbed sleep patterns and exhaustion caused by regular sleep deprivation. Insomnia can also be caused by an excess of caffeine or alcohol, food allergy, overexcitement, stress, shock,anxiety, or depression.


Increase the amount of exercise you take during the day,and avoid eating late in the evening. Stop work or any other activity an hour before bedtime. Drink a relaxing herbal tea or hot milk, take a warm bath, and read something light and enter taining.

These emotions are often a response to events that are perceived to be physically or psychologically threatening. They can be brought on by overindulgence, overwork, or exhaustion, or they may be associated with digestive ailments and, in men, premature ejaculation or impotence. Such feelings may lead to depression. Physical manifestations include an increased pulse rate, fluttering feelings in the stomach, and tense muscles.


Get more exercise and practice relaxation techniques, meditation, or movement therapy such as tai chi.Asser tiveness training may help to overcome feelings of insecurity.

Irritability with overcritical attitude
• Sensitivity to the cold
• Desire for alcohol and fatty or spicy foods

Anger with insecurity
• Craving for sweet foods
• Feeling of hunger but full after a few bites


Anxiety, or worry, consists of both an emotional and a physical imbalance, and tends to be provoked by overwork, stress, fear, or insecurity. It may be accompanied by an increased pulse rate, clammy skin, irregular sleep patterns, and appetite disturbance.


Avoid stressful situations and caffeine. Practice relaxation techniques or meditation .
CAUTION If you are feeling very anxious, with no obvious cause, see a doctor. If anxiety is accompanied by serious chest pains.