Showing posts with label MEN’S HEALTH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MEN’S HEALTH. Show all posts


Often transmitted from an infected partner, this fungal infection albicans yeast grows under the foreskin, causing inflammation.


Bathe the penis in a solution of hypericum and calendula  four times daily. Apply calendula ointment.


If symptoms persist beyond 14 days, see a doctor. Make sure that your partner also goes for treatment.


This swelling and soreness of the foreskin may result from the friction of underwear, or from irritation caused by condoms or contraceptive creams. It may be associated with herpes or diabetes.


Bathe the foreskin and head of the penis (glans) in a solution of hypericum and calendula every four hours, then apply calendula ointment.


If symptoms persist for five days, see a doctor.


A soft, painless swelling of the scrotum, hydrocele is due to a build-up of excess fluid in the sheath surrounding the testes. It may be precipitated by injury, and is common in older men, although in most cases the cause is unknown. The condition may be congenital. The swelling may be caused by inflammation, infection, or, very occasionally, a tumor. Usually hydrocele is just monitored, but fluid may need to be drained off should the swelling become too great.


If symptoms persist beyond a month, see a doctor.


Problems with erection may result from physical causes, for example injury or surgery to the genitals or spine; from chronic illnesses such as diabetes; from nervous disorders; or from taking
drugs, either medically prescribed or recreational, or alcohol. Erectile dysfunction may also occur because of tiredness, or a lack of appropriate stimulation. Most physical problems occur because there is an insufficient supply of blood to the penis. The stresses of modern life or anxiety about sexual intercourse may further inhibit the ability to initiate or sustain an erection.


To reduce the psychological problems that may accompany erectile dysfunction, try to maintain a relaxed state of mind when making love. Forget about penetrative sexual intercourse for a while and concentrate on giving and receiving pleasure in areas of the body  other than the genitals.


If symptoms persist, see a doctor.


• Enlarged prostate: difficulty in starting a stream of urine, weak urine flow, and the need to urinate during the night. In later stages, possible incontinence due to overflow from the bladder and frequency of urination. In severe cases, possible obstruction of urine flow associated with distension of the abdomen.
• Prostatitis: pain when passing urine, increased frequency of urination, possible fever, discharge
from the penis associated with pain in the colon and lower abdomen, and blood in the urine.
• Cancer: symptoms resemble those of an enlarged prostate, but there may be none at all. Possible pain from secondary cancers. If cancer has spread locally, possible urinary obstruction or pelvic pain.

The precise cause of prostate enlargement with age is unknown, although it may be due to an
excess of a testosterone-type hormone or to a nutritional deficiency. Prostatitis is caused by a
urinary infection, possibly following the use of a catheter or excessive sexual activity. The
causes of cancer are unknown.

Conventional care
Prostate enlargement and prostatitis are diagnosed by examination, ultrasound scanning, urine analysis, and blood tests to check kidney function. Strength of urine flow may be measured. Cancer is detected by examination, scanning, or biopsy. Treatment for an enlarged prostate includes alpha blockers, which relax smooth muscle, thus increasing urinary flow, and testosterone-inhibiting drugs, or surgical removal. Prostatitis is treated with antibiotics, and cancer by the conventional methods.
Homeopathic medicine
Treatment is constitutional for all prostate problems, especially if they result from a hormonal imbalance. The choice of remedy will depend upon an individual’s symptoms . Apis is indicated for an enlarged prostate with urine retention. Baryta carb. is with urine retention. Baryta carb. is
prescribed for enlargement and hardening of the prostate. Conium is often effective for an enlarged prostate accompanied by a discharge of prostatic fluid; and Thuja is used to treat chronic enlargement of the prostate and inflammation associated with infection. Other constitutional remedies commonly used to treat prostate problems include Calc. carb., Lycopodium, Nux vomica, Pulsatilla, and Sulphur. Remedies for the specific symptoms of an enlarged prostate include Sabal, if urination is difficult or if there are spasms of the bladder or urethra; Baryta carb., when there is a frequent urge to urinate, a slow stream of urine, and impotence; Iodum, when there are shrunken testicles, impotence, and the prostate feels hard; and Argentum nit., for prostate problems associated with erectile dysfunction. For symptoms of prostatitis, Sabal is given if the prostate is enlarged and the area around the gland feels cold; Chimaphila, if prostatic fluid is leaking from the penis and there is urine retention; Selenium, when urine dribbles from the penis and there is impotence; and Capsicum for burning pains in the prostate.

An enlarged prostate may benefit from 1 tbsp of lecithin as instructed, a zinc supplement, and evening primrose oil. The diet should include plenty of oily fish, but no caffeine, alcohol, or refined sugar. Constipation is to be avoided. Sabal is available in an herbal form called palmetto
which is good for prostatitis, as is 2–3 tsp cold, pressed flaxseed oil taken twice a day.
C A S E  H I S T O R Y
George was 74 and had a seven-year history of an enlarged prostate. It caused him to urinate every couple of hours, and he had to get up at least three times a night. Following a biopsy, he had been assured that there was no cancer. He had been generally healthy all his life, apart from having a tubercular lymph node removed when he was in his twenties.
This rather shy, apprehensive man was something of a perfectionist. Extremely ambitious, George had progressed to become president of one company he worked for and, when seen, had his own consultancy business—for relaxation, he claimed. He found the prospect of addressing large groups of people daunting, but performed well once he had begun.

F O O D  P R E F E R E N C E S
George disliked extremes of heat and cold. Apart from his prostate problem, he was in extremely good health for his age. He experienced a lot of flatulence, and eating even small amounts of food made him feel full.
G E N E R A L   D E TA I L S
George had a very sweet tooth and enjoyed alcohol. He liked his foods warm, and hated cold foods or drinks. Oysters, onions, and brassicas such as cabbage upset his digestion.
P R E S C R I P T I O N    &   F O L L O W - U P
George was prescribed Phosphorus as a constitutional remedy and an herbal form of Sabal for his symptoms. This treatment reduced his urination at night slightly for a couple of months, after which the frequency increased to what it had been before. He was then prescribed Lycopodium, and his condition began to improve generally. He was getting up only once a night—considered to
be normal at his age—and his sexual function also improved. George experienced a setback following minor surgery, but again responded well to Lycopodium. He continues to get up just once a night, and does not suffer from frequency of urination at all during the day. He takes the occasional dose of Sabal if he feels his condition might start to deteriorate.