Insomnia describes a persistent pattern of intermittent sleep that leaves the sufferer feeling tired and un refreshed. It may occur simply because the bedroom is too hot or airless, or because of having to get up during the night to urinate. It is more likely to be the result of being unwell or of pain to which over sensitivity may develop or of disturbed sleep patterns and exhaustion caused by regular sleep deprivation. Insomnia can also be caused by an excess of caffeine or alcohol, food allergy, over excitement, stress, shock, anxiety,PALPITATIONS or depression .

SELF-HELP Increase the amount of exercise you take during the day, and avoid eating late in the evening. Stop work or any other activity an hour before bedtime. Drink a relaxing herbal tea or hot milk, take a warm bath, and read something light and entertaining. With all the homeopathic remedies suggested, take the dose for ten consecutive nights (unless normal sleeping patterns are restored), and repeat the dose if you wake up during the night and cannot get back to sleep.


Insomnia with inability to relax

  • Sudden onset of insomnia
  • Sleep occurs eventually but is fitful
  • Over sensitivity to light, smell, noise, and touch
  • Headache resembling a nail being driven into the head
Insomnia with irritability
  • Wakefulness between 3 a.m. and 4 a.m., then more settled sleep just before it is time to get up
  • Craving for stimulants, especially coffee during the day and alcohol in the evening
  • Constipation with ineffectual urging
Insomnia with great fear
  • Sudden onset of insomnia
  • Fitful sleep associated with acute pain caused by injury, surgery, or exposure to biting wind
  •  Numbness in the limbs

Insomnia with fear of never sleeping again

  • Continuous yawning but inability to get to sleep
  • Lump in the throat

CAUTION If there is no improvement within three weeks,consult a doctor.



Newborn babies need about 16 hours of sleep, 2-year-olds 12 hours, 6-year-olds 10 hours, and 12-year-olds 9 hours. Sleeplessness in babies may be due to being hot or cold, hunger, a dirty diaper, teething , colic , or too much stimulation. In older children it may be caused by being hot or cold, irregular bedtimes, caffeine in carbonated drinks, other food allergy, noise, stress, or anxiety. Nightmares may result from watching television or videos.

SELF-HELP Keep a baby’s or young child’s room at 64–68°F (16–20°C). Establish a bedtime routine: bath, last feeding, then bed, at the same time every day, and avoid over stimulation. If a child wakes frequently during the night and becomes overtired, bring bedtime forward by 15 minutes every 3 nights until the child sleeps through. Maintain this bedtime, and then gradually put it back by 15-minute intervals. Look for the underlying causes of sleeplessness. Do not punish a child by sending him or her to a bedroom, which will acquire bad associations.


Anger and irritability that prevents sleep

  • Eyes are half-open when asleep
  • Moaning during sleep
  • Legs are wide apart when asleep
Sleeplessness after shock
  • Possible dizziness, numbness, flushing,and fainting
  • Wakefulness any time between midnight and 4 a.m.
  • Possible feeling of paralysis anywhere in the body
Early waking
  • Wakefulness in the early morning with a desire to play
  • Possible association with teething or pain
  • Over tiredness
CAUTION If the problem persists, consult a doctor.

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