QUIZ # 5

1>Which of the following headache symptoms listed below is characteristic of most of the milk family of remedies?
a.) Headache involving the area around the right eye.
b.) Headache involving the area around the left eye.
c.) Headache <> from vigorous movement.

2>Which of the following themes listed below is an important theme that is reflected in all the milk remedies?
a.) To develop a common strategy for survival.
b.) To arrive at a deep understanding of reality.
c.) The struggle between individuality versus conforming to the group’s needs.
d.) Establish a solid structure that they can depend on for support and protection.

3>Which of the following delusions listed below is considered a major delusion of the milk remedies?
a.) Unwanted and neglected.
b.) Persecuted and singled out.
c.) Sees phantoms and is about to die.
d.) Under superhuman control.

4>Which of the following milk remedies listed below is best indicated in people who are disobedient, obstinate and tend to challenge authority?
a.) Lac caninum
b.) Lac cameli dromedari
c.) Lac defloratum
d.) Lac delphinum

5>Which of the following milk remedies listed below is best indicated in people who tend to remain loyal to the person who abuses them, have low self worth and experience symptoms that frequently alternate sides?
a.) Lac caninum
b.) Lac caprinum
c.) Lac defloratum
d.) Lac lupinum

6>Which of the following milk remedies listed below is best indicated in people who tend to display shameless behavior, are attracted to the color green and need to protect their neck?
a.) Lac cameli dromedari
b.) Lac caninum
c.) Lac caprinum
d.) Lac delphinum

7>Which of the following milk remedies listed below is best indicated in people who experience difficult and frustrating situations, feel trapped, are loquacious and dream of body parts?
a.) Lac cameli dromedari
b.) Lac caprinum
c.) Lac equinum
d.) Lac loxodonta africana

8>Which of the following milk remedies listed below is best indicated in people who empathize with, and like to volunteer to feed the homeless?
a.) Lac cameli dromedari
b.) Lac felinum
c.) Lac leoninum
d.) Lac loxodonta africana

9>Which of the following milk remedies listed below is best indicated in people who are preoccupied with mortality and immortality, dream of losing their wallet and have an affinity for the color red?
a.) Lac caninum
b.) Lac felinum
c.) Lac leoninum
d.) Lac lupinum

10>Which of the following milk remedies listed below is best indicated in people who fear being rejected by the community and feel they have to bear a lot of suffering?
a.) Lac caninum
b.) Lac felinum
c.) Lac defloratum
d.) Lac humanum