This condition occurs if the myelin sheaths surrounding nerve fibers are damaged. In temperate regions of the world, multiple sclerosis affects one in a thousand people, and more women than men. There may be just a single attack, or repeated attacks that lead to increasing disability. Only in a minority of cases, however, is the condition crippling.
Possible tingling, numbness, or weakness affecting a hand, foot, or a whole side of the body.
Double vision or the misting or blurring of vision.
Possible heaviness, weakness, or constricted feeling in the hands and feet.
Possible strong muscle spasms, constipation, ulceration of the skin, and mood swings.
In more serious cases, possible paralysis and incontinence, which may be associated with fatigue, vertigo, giddiness, clumsiness, muscle weakness, slurred speech, and difficulty in walking.
The causes of multiple sclerosis are unknown. There may be a genetic tendency, but the fact that the disease is five times more common in temperate zones than in the tropics suggests a viral cause. It may be an autoimmune disease, whereby the body’s immune system attacks the myelin, gradually leading to damage of the underlying nerve fibers. Sensitivity to toxic metals or to vaccines has also been postulated as a cause.
Conventional care
Diagnosis is aided by evoked response tests on the eyes (measuring the speed of optic nerve impulses), and magnetic resonance imagery (MRI), which can reveal damage to the white matter of the nervous system. Conventional treatment of multiple sclerosis includes sunflower or evening-primrose oil, interferon (protein produced by the body to fight infection and cultured from human cells or synthesized in the laboratory), and potent drugs such as corticosteroids. An amino acid, phenylalanine, is believed to be beneficial, as well as vitamin B, and low doses of antidepressant drugs. Controversy surrounds the use of marijuana to relieve muscle spasms. Physiotherapy may help those affected by multiple sclerosis.
Homeopathic medicine
Homeopathic treatment is largely constitutional after study of the patient’s history. This includes emotional factors and, especially in multiple sclerosis, any long-suppressed problems from childhood. Homeopathy attributes this condition to an inherent weakness of the nervous system that is aggravated by trauma, infection, or the effects of toxic metals.
Constitutional prescription will mainly depend upon the individual’s symptoms , but some remedies have an affinity with the nervous system. Argentum nit. has a direct, qualitative effect upon nerves controlling conscious movement; while Causticum is indicated for the progressive debilitation of the nervous system. Nat.mur. is prescribed for problems in the brain and spinal cord that produce tingling, weakness, and eventual numbness in the fingers, hands, and arms. Other constitutional remedies include Lachesis, Phosphorus and Plumbum met.
Remedies for the relief of specific symptoms include Phosphorus, if there is frequent fainting; Tarentula, for jerky movements of the hands, feet, and tongue; and Agaricus, for weak, shaky movements accompanied by shooting pains.
A diet that is low in animal fats, gluten-free, and high in gamma-linoleic acid (found in sunflower seeds and oil) may be beneficial, while caffeine is best avoided. Regular exercise and rest are important. A daily routine might include three rest periods of 10–20 minutes each and fairly vigorous exercise such as weight-lifting, which should be built up very gradually.
Christine was a 39-year-old homemaker. Eight years before her homeopathic consultation, she had noticed that her right foot dragged because of weakness in the leg. Multiple sclerosis was diagnosed six years later, when she began to suffer blurred vision and a frequent urge to urinate. She was taking phenylalanine and vitamin and mineral supplements.
A pleasant, mild-mannered woman on the surface, Christine admitted to anger and a deep sense of injustice. She had a tendency to feel resentful and lose her temper. She lacked confidence, was depressed about her illness deteriorating, and feared the future. Her mother had died when Christine was eight.
Christine had a great desire for coffee and a strong dislike of whiskey. She liked most foods, especially sweet foods, salt, vinegar, and spices, but she disliked fats.
Christine felt worse in cold and wet weather, in great heat, and in the late afternoon, but she felt better for warmth. Her symptoms worsened if she was overtired or thought too much about her illness. She woke unrefreshed from sleep.
Christine was given a low potency of Nat. mur., and advised to write to her dead mother to unburden her suppressed grief. The remedy was repeated twice in a higher potency, along with advice about rest, exercise, and additional mineral and vitamin supplements, but her condition deteriorated. Lathyrus failed to help. Allergy tests proved negative, but her mercury levels were low. A digestive problem was suspected. Herbal and homeopathic remedies improved her bowel function, but the multiple sclerosis worsened. Phosphorus failed to help, and Christine was desperate. She was then prescribed Causticum on the basis of her oversensitivity to people. Her condition improved immediately. High-potency Causticum, with physiotherapy for her abnormal gait, has sustained the improvement.