Incontinence is not an inevitable feature of aging, and is often secondary to a urinary infection such as cystitis, constipation, an enlarged prostate or irritation of the vulva, or the use of drugs. It can also occur after a stroke or problems with the spinal cord. Stress incontinence—a leakage of urine when laughing, coughing, or sneezing as a result of weak pelvic floor muscles—is chiefly a women’s complaint. Associated with advanced senile dementia , incontinence may be more a question of attitude than physical disability. It is often worse for cold, overexcitement, or anxiety. The most common causes of frequent urination are diuretic drugs prescribed for high blood pressure, and drinking tea, coffee, or alcohol.
Avoid drinking large amounts, and pass urine regularly. Yoga or osteopathy may help to relax or reposition muscles in the lower spinal area. Exercises for the pelvic floor muscles will strengthen them.
If symptoms persist for more than three days, or if frequent urination is associated with great thirst, see a doctor.