• A mild attack of tuberculosis has the same symptoms as mild influenza.
• In second-stage tuberculosis, there may be a slight fever, night sweats, fatigue, weight loss, a dry cough that eventually produces pus or bloody sputum, breathlessness, and chest pain.
• If the disease progresses further still, it may cause a pleural effusion (fluid between the linings, or pleura, of the lung and that of the chest cavity) or pneumothorax (air between the pleurae).
Tuberculosis is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and is spread in droplets of mucus expelled in coughs and sneezes. If the infection is fought off successfully, a small scar forms in the lung tissue. The person is then immune unless they become undernourished or generally unwell in the future, in which case tuberculosis may flare up again. Occasionally, the primary infection spreads to other parts of the body via the lymphatic system and the bloodstream, a condition known as miliary tuberculosis, which is occasionally fatal. Tuberculosis is most common among the elderly, alcoholics, and people living in economically deprived areas.
Conventional care
In many industrialized countries, preventative measures are taken against tuberculosis in the form of inoculation of all children by the age of 13 with a live strain of the bacterium that causes tuberculosis in cattle. This is too weak to cause the disease in humans, yet it stimulates the immune system. Diagnosis of tuberculosis is by a primary test followed by a chest X-ray if the test is positive. The most common treatment is with three drugs—usually isoniazid, rifampicin, and pyrazinamide—taken over a long period. There is concern in some regions of the world that the disease has become resistant to these drugs. Other, shorter treatment regimens are therefore being tried.
Homeopathic medicine
It is rare for a homeopathic practitioner to treat a tuberculosis patient exclusively. The disease has to be reported to the medical authorities, and will inevitably, and justifiably, be treated conventionally. Homeopathy can, however, play an important supportive role, and if indeed the disease is developing a resistance to conventional drugs, complementary treatment may become important—for example, in boosting the immune system.
The patient’s specific symptoms will be the main criteria in determining constitutional prescription . Certain remedies, however, have an affinity with respiratory ailments. Arsen. alb. is indicated for bronchial constriction and Lycopodium with infection of the right lung. Phosphorus is effective for treating inflammation of the mucous membranes; and Calc. carb. is prescribed for gland enlargement.
For acute attacks, remedies include Bacillinum for head sweats; Calc. carb. if the extremities are cold and clammy, with weakness and apprehension; and Arsen. alb. if there is chilliness, exhaustion, anxiety, and a desire for sips of water.
Tuberculosis tends to affect people who are generally run down and otherwise in poor health. Adequate rest is important, as is a good diet, which should include plenty of potassium-rich foods, raw vegetables, fruits, and protein from legumes and whole grains as well as fish and meat. Plenty of fresh air is beneficial. Bad habits such as smoking, drinking excess alcohol, and taking recreational drugs should be avoided.
The author has not personally treated a case of tuberculosis. The following is based on a report in French homeopathic literature by Dr. Nebel of Monteau at the beginning of the 20th century.
Charles had suffered from pulmonary tuberculosis for ten years. His father and three siblings had died from it. Clinically, he showed signs of extensive tuberculosis, mainly affecting the left lung, with a cough and copious green sputum, which frequently contained blood.
Charles was very tall and thin, with an emaciated chest. He suffered sleeplessness and weariness. He was extremely depressed and worried about his health, being convinced that he would die.
A lover of acidic foods and fat, particularly meat fat, Charles had been known to eat lard. He also liked smoked meats and salty foods. He had a great thirst, sipping water constantly. His stomach was upset by acidic foods and very cold drinks. He would become very hungry during the night and have to eat something.
Charles was often constipated and, although he felt the cold, he experienced night sweats. His symptoms were worse between midnight and 2 a.m. He exuded from his armpits and chest what his doctor described as the smell of tuberculosis.
Charles was prescribed Tuberculinum, which gave him chest pains. Within a few days, however, his cough and perspiration reduced significantly, although he lost a little more weight. He tried other remedies. After taking Silica, his weight dropped further but his general health improved. After taking Arsen. alb., he coughed only slightly in the morning and evening, he produced no sputum, his chest sounded better to his doctor, and he started gaining weight. After ten weeks his appetite was good, and he could walk farther than before without feeling breathless. He felt stronger than he had for years, and was hopeful for a complete recovery.