• Flushed cheeks and nose, possibly induced by drinking hot drinks or alcohol, eating spicy
foods, or entering a warm room.
• Possible permanent redness of the skin and small, pus-filled spots that are similar to mild acne.
The causes of rosacea are largely unknown,but oral contraceptive drugs and corticosteroid
ointments prescribed for other skin conditions, such as eczema, may precipitate it. Stress may
exacerbate the condition. In women rosacea often strikes during or after menopause, when
the condition is most probably linked to hormonal changes affecting the sebaceous glands in the skin.
Conventional care
The usual treatment for rosacea is a long course of tetracyclines. These are very effective in suppressing the small, pus-filled spots, but they do not tend to make much difference to the underlying red discoloration. Being antibiotics, they may harm the bacterial flora of the intestine, necessitating the subsequent use of acidophilic supplements.
Homeopathic medicine
A homeopathic practitioner will take a full medical history, paying particular attention to the onset and progression of rosacea and its possible triggers, followed by an examination of affected areas.
Many remedies are suitable for the constitutional treatment of symptoms of rosacea, but prescription will depend upon the individual. Among the remedies often chosen are Carbo veg., for when blood stagnates in capillaries, resulting in poor oxygen supply to facial tissue; and Lachesis for hemorrhaging that allows infection to set in. Psorinum is prescribed for problems of the sebaceous glands; and Rhus tox. is given for infection such as that forming boils. Homeopathic remedies prescribed for acute symptoms include Belladonna, for the early stages of rosacea,when the face is red, dry, and burning hot; and Arsen. alb., when the skin is flaky and scaly, there is restlessness, and the condition is better for warmth generally as well as for warm compresses applied to the affected areas. Viola tri. may be prescribed if rosacea is mainly concentrated on the chin, and the urine smells like cat urine; while Silica is given if the main problem is pustules that remain for long periods of time. Calc. phos. is prescribed for rosacea that is found mainly on the nose, and is accompanied by many pimples; and Kali. brom. is given when the forehead and cheeks in particular are flushed, and there are itchy pustules.Lifestyle Specifically, if rosacea is associated with vaginal discharge and general fatigue in women, a yeast- and sugar-free diet accompanied by acidophilic supplements is advisable. Naturopaths—those who promote health and natural healing by means of diet, exercise, and complementary care—believe that rosacea develops as a result of both stress and an inappropriate diet, especially one that is high in animal protein and fat, refined carbohydrates, and dairy products. Following a mainly fish and vegetarian diet for one month may be beneficial. Alcohol and coffee are best avoided. If stress is an aggravating factor, relaxation techniques, yoga, meditation, or tai chi may help on a daily basis. Any emotional problems should be solved, with the help of a counselor if necessary. Local applications of calendula solution or tea-tree oil may alleviate the condition (10 drops calendula mother tincture to 1.25 quarts [liters] cooled, boiled water, or 2 drops tea-tree oil).
William was a 57-year-old retired blacksmith. He came to the consultation with a ten-year
history of rosacea. It had star ted with small spots above the eyebrows, but had progressed to boils and redness of the whole face. He had been prescribed an antibiotic, oxytetracycline, which upset his bowels, and then another form of tetracycline to be applied (as a solution) to the affected areas.
As well as a red face and several small boils on his nose, William had a coated tongue, a slightly swollen upper lip, and a strong body odor. He described himself as superstitious and a per fectionist. He became depressed easily, and worried constantly about his health.
William had a huge appetite, even needing to eat in the middle of the night, but he never put on any weight. He liked beer and acidic foods, but not meat. He had a great thirst, but his skin condition was exacerbated by drinking coffee.
William felt the cold greatly, and wore a lot of clothes even in summer. He hated winter and loved hot, sunny weather. Despite this, he had a tendency to feel very hot in bed, and did not like becoming overheated from physical exer tion.
William was prescribed Sulphur, which helped the rosacea initially. The condition deteriorated, however, if he stopped using tetracycline. He was then given Psorinum in increasing potencies over a period of about 18 months, and this produced a remarkable improvement in his condition.
He was able to stop applying tetracycline, and eventually to take Psorinum on the odd occasion only if he felt the rosacea might be about to flare up again. Interestingly, William had also suf fered from irritable bowel syndrome for about 40 years, and this condition also improved for taking Psorinum. When last heard of, William had been completely clear of symptoms
of rosacea for four years.