About Agaricus

Botanical: Agaricus muscarius / Amanita muscaria.
Family: Agaricaceae


Agaricus is a large and important genus of mushrooms containing both edible and poisonous species, with possibly over 300 members worldwide.It is highly poisonous and hallucinogenic and was used by Siberian medicine men to encourage visionary states.


Grows in parts of Scotland, Scandinavia, and other parts of Europe, as well as Asia, the US, and Canada.

Part Used:----

Whole fresh fungus.

Medicinal Action and Uses:----

It is used for chilblains and nervous disorders.It is also given for delirium tremens associated with alcoholism and for the effects of senile dementia, or when there is marked dizziness, an impulse to fall backward; redness and puffiness of the face without heat, and an increase in appetite. Those who need Agaricus are sensitive to the cold, particularly when ill.