Homeopathy is well suited to the treatment of emotional problems. As a holistic form of medicine, it examines all aspects of an individual—physical, intellectual, and spiritual—and a practitioner does not separate these elements when prescribing treatment. Homeopathic practitioners do not delineate where one ends and the other begins. The investigation of a person’s experience on a number of levels is helpful in dealing with ailments that reveal both a physical and a mental imbalance. Many emotional problems have their origins in stressful situations, exhaustion and overwork, dietary overindulgence or allergy, or fears and insecurities.By focusing on the response of the vital force of the body to external problems, homeopathy can stimulate a person’s ability to cope with and modify those problems, at least in the short term. Homeopathic treatment for emotional problems is best combined in the long term with dietary changes, regular exercise, relaxation techniques or movement therapies, and stress management in order to maximize the benefits of treatment.



Insomnia describes a persistent pattern of intermittent sleep that leaves the sufferer feeling tired and unrefreshed. It may occur simply because the bedroom is too hot or airless, or because of having to get up during the night to urinate. It is more likely to be the result of being unwell or of pain—to which oversensitivity may develop—or of disturbed sleep patterns and exhaustion caused by regular sleep deprivation. Insomnia can also be caused by an excess of caffeine or alcohol, food allergy, overexcitement, stress, shock,anxiety, or depression.


Increase the amount of exercise you take during the day,and avoid eating late in the evening. Stop work or any other activity an hour before bedtime. Drink a relaxing herbal tea or hot milk, take a warm bath, and read something light and enter taining.

These emotions are often a response to events that are perceived to be physically or psychologically threatening. They can be brought on by overindulgence, overwork, or exhaustion, or they may be associated with digestive ailments and, in men, premature ejaculation or impotence. Such feelings may lead to depression. Physical manifestations include an increased pulse rate, fluttering feelings in the stomach, and tense muscles.


Get more exercise and practice relaxation techniques, meditation, or movement therapy such as tai chi.Asser tiveness training may help to overcome feelings of insecurity.

Irritability with overcritical attitude
• Sensitivity to the cold
• Desire for alcohol and fatty or spicy foods

Anger with insecurity
• Craving for sweet foods
• Feeling of hunger but full after a few bites


Anxiety, or worry, consists of both an emotional and a physical imbalance, and tends to be provoked by overwork, stress, fear, or insecurity. It may be accompanied by an increased pulse rate, clammy skin, irregular sleep patterns, and appetite disturbance.


Avoid stressful situations and caffeine. Practice relaxation techniques or meditation .
CAUTION If you are feeling very anxious, with no obvious cause, see a doctor. If anxiety is accompanied by serious chest pains.