Use of Mother Tinctures in Homeopathy Page--2


Chrysarobinum :: Where the eruptions are crusty, under which pus oozes.
Ichthyolum :: Chronic eczema, scaly and itching.


Apis Mellifica :: Sensitiveness and swelling of skin with rosy hue.
Cantharis ::  Vesicular type with burning and itching.
Mag Sulph :: Apply locally a saturated solution. Acts as an antiphlogistic and antipruritic.

Fissures :-

Hamamelis :: Use distilled extract locally.
Ratanhia :: With great constriction of anus and knife-like stitches.


Chrysarobinum :: Crusty eruptions which tend to become confluent.
Ichthyolum :: Externally used as an ointment with Lanoline 20 to 50 per cent.

Chrysarobinum :: Of the scalp.
Oleum Jecoris :: Locally in ring-worm and nightly rubbing. Apply plain oil at bedtime. Before application the part must be washed well with soft soap.

Scabies :- 

Balsamum Peru :: Apply locally a solution prepared in the ratio of 1:40 . All parts are gently rubbed with it at night and a bath taken in the morning.
Ichthyolum :: Apply externally.

Sore nipples:-

Eupatorium Aromaticum :: Tincture should be applied locally.
Graphites :: Locally used as a cerate.


Alstonia Scholaris :: Should be used externally.
Hydrastis Canadensis :: Locally apply tincture or fluid extract.


Calendula Officinalis :: Burns, sores, fissures and abrasions. Promotes granulation and prevents scars.
Sempervivum Tectorum :: Bites of insects, bee stings, poisoned wounds.
Cistus Canadensis :: Poisonous wounds. Bites.

Use of Mother Tinctures in Homeopathy Page--1

Acne :-

Chrysarobinum :: Locally as a cerate, 4-8 grains to the ounce, of vaseline.
Echinacea :: Can be applied on face mixed with any facial cream. 


Cinnamonum :: 3-4 drops in 2 quarts of water and should be used as a douche.
Echinacea ::  Bed sores, Carbuncles, Insect-bites, Gangrene.


Adrenalin ::  To plug the internal bleeding surface, as in epistaxis to stop the bleeding immediately. 1 : 1000 solution.
Ferrum Phos :: To arrest bleeding. Hæmorrhages are bright red and occur in pale, anæmic subjects liable to local congestions.

Burns and scalds:-

Apis Mellifica :: With burning and stinging.
Cantharis :: Relieves raw burning pain and promotes healing, covers acute nephritis. One gram of the tincture to one ounce of water is to be applied externally.
Momordica Balsamina :: Used externally as a liniment and poultice.


Scrophularia Nodosa :: For cancerous glands locally.
Citric Acid :: Used as a mouth wash for cancer pains.
Lupulus :: Painful cancer.


Badiaga :: Dandruff where scalp is dry, sore, tetter-like.
Cochleria Armoracia :: When applied locally, it cures dandruff.