Homeopathy Aphorisms EXAM

Aphorism 1-8: Principles of Cure, Causes of Diseas and Definition of Disease and Cure
1. What is the physician’s highest and only calling?

To make sick healthy, to cure

2. What is the highest ideal of cure?

Rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of health… The lifting and annihilation of the disease in it’s entire extent in the shortest, most reliable and least disadvantageous way according to realizable principles

3. To be a genuine practitioner of the medical art, a physician must;

- Clearly realize what is to be cured in disease (discernment of disease, indicator)
- Clearly realize what is curative in medicines (knowledge of medicinal power)
- Be aware of how to adapt what is curative in medicines to what he has discerned to be

4. Adapting what is curative in medicines to what is diseased in px requires that the physician be able to;

- Adapt the most appropriate medicine, according to its mode of action, to the case
before him (selection of the remedy, that which is indicated)
- prepare the medicine exactly as required
- give the medicine the exact amount required (the right dose)
- properly time the repetition of doses
- the physician must know the obstacles to recovery in each case and be aware of how
to clear them away

5. “If the physician has the insight, discernment, knowledge and awareness, then he understands how to act expediently and thoroughly, and he is a _______________”

Genuine practitioner of the medical art

6. “He is likewise a sustainer of health if he knows the things that disturb health, that engender and maintain disease, and is aware of ________________________?

How to remove them from healthy ppl

7. What will help the physician to bring about cure?

a) finding out the data of the most probable occasion of an acute disease
b) finding out the most significant factors in the entire hx of a wasting sickness (enabling him to find out the fundamental cause)

8. What does the fundamental cause of a protracted wasting sickness mostly rests upon?

A chronic miasm

9. In these investigations, what should the physician take into account?

a) the patient’s discernible body constitution (esp in case of protracted disease)
b) the px’s mental and emotional character (geist and gemut)
c) the px’s occupations
d) the px’s lifestyle and habits
e) the px’s civic and domestic relationships
f) the px’s age
g) the px’s sexual fx

10. What represents the disease in its entirety?

- All the perceptible signs, befallments and symptoms (alterations of the body and soul)
- Only the deviations from the former healthy state

11. How can these changes be observed (3)?

They can be felt by the px, observed by those around him or observed by the physician

12. What do all these perceptible signs represent?

The disease in its entire extent

13. T or F – It is ridiculous for physicians to seek causes of disease in the hidden?


14. What is causa occasionalis?

Cases of disease where there is no obvious occasioning or maintaining cause

15. What is the only thing we can perceive in that case?

Nothing but the disease signs

16. What determines the most appropriate remedy in cases of diseases where there is no obvious cause to be removed?

The totality of symptoms

17. “It is ridiculous for physicians to seek causes of disease in the hidden interior of the body while ingoring __________________”

clearly perceptible symptoms

18. What is the totality of symptoms?

The outwardly reflected image of the inner wesen of the disease, that is, of the suffering of the life force

19. T or F – The totality of sx must be the principal or the only thing whereby the disease can make discernible what remedy is required? True
20. T or F – when all the sx of disease have been lifted, the disease is also cured in the interior?


Aphorism 9-18: The life force in Health and Disease

1. “In the healthy human state, the spirit like ________________ (__________) that enlivens the material organism as ________, governs w/out ______ and keeps all parts of the organism in _________ vital operation as regards to both feelings and functions

Life force, autocracy, dynamis, restriction, harmony

2. What is the material organism w/out life force not capable of?

Sensitibility, activity and self-preservation

3. From what does the material organism derive all its sensibility and function? wesen

4. What is wesen? Life principle, life force

5. What happens to the organism w/out life force? Dies

6. “In disease, the life force is first dynamically _______ and then manifests its mistunements through _____” mistuned, symptoms

7. What is the only way for the life force to make its mistunements discernible? By disease

8. What brings forth disease? The disease-tuned life force alone

9. What indicates restored life force? Complete disappearance of disease manifestations

10. Is disease what allopaths believe to be? No

11. How come? Disease isn’t to be considered as something separate from the living whole

12. How does everything curably diseased make itself known to the physician? Signs and Sx

13. “The life force and the material organism form an _____ ______, as do the mistunement of the life force and the perceptible symptoms” indivisible whole

14. Disease only occurs and can only be cured through what?

Dynamic impingement upon the life force

15. What is the only way the medical art practitioner can remove mistunements?

By spirit like tenement-alternating energies acting upon the life force

16. How are these energies perceived?

Through the ubiquitous feeling-sense of the nerves of the organism

17. What is the only thing the physician has to do to remove the entire disease?

Remove the entire symptoms complex

18. What does this do to the altered life force?

It lifts out all the mistunements and it comes back to normal (health is restored)

19. “The _______ __ ________ and circumstances in each individual case of disease must be the sole indicator for choosing a remedy”

Totality of Symptoms

Aphorism 19-21: The Power of Medicines To Cure

21. Diseases are nothing other than what? Alterations of condition in healthy ppl

22. How is cure only possible? Through an alteration of the px’s condition into the healthy state

23. “Medicines would in no way be able to cure if they did not possess what? The power to differently tune the human condition that resides in feelings and functions

24. The curative power of medicines rest solely on what? Their power to alter the human condition

25. Is the hidden spirit like power in the inner wesen of medicines discernible with mere intellectual exertion? NO

26. What is the only way to distinctly perceive the hidden spirit like power in the inner wesen? Only through its manifestations while it is impinging on the human condition (so only by experience)

27. Is the curative wesen in medicines, in itself, discernible? NO

28. “In Pure experiments conducted with medicines (in provings) the most sharp-witted observer can perceive nothing about medicines that can constitute them as medicines, or curative means, except their ___________________________________________” Their power to bring forth distinct alterations in the condition of the human body especially their power to differently tune the healthy person.

29. T or F, the disease-engendering pwr is at the same time the disease-curing pwr? T

Aphorism 22-26: Similar, dissimilar and opposite symptoms produced by medicines and disease

30. How does medicine cure? By engendering a disease state that removes the one to be cured

31. What is the only thing exhibited in disease that must be taken away in order to transform then into health? Signs and symptoms

32. How does a medicine become a remedy? Only by arousing certain befallments and symptoms

33. T or F – Medicine must be sought by its greater tendency to engender either similar or opposite symptoms? T

34. T or F – In allopathic tx: medicines are given that produce sx which are neither similar nor opposite to those of the disease? T

35. T or F – Persistent disease sx are made worse by the opposite medicinal sx of antipathic medicines? T

36. T or F – Therefore the only good medicine is the one that is similar to the disease state? T

37. “In the living organism, a weaker dynamic affection is permanently extinguished by a stronger one, if the stronger one is ______________________” Very similar to the weaker one in its manifestations

Aphorism 27-34

38. On what does the curative capacity of medicine rest?

On their symptoms being similar to the disease but with power that outweighs it

39. By what is each single case of disease most surely, thoroughly, rapidly and permanently annihilated and lifted?

Only by a medicine that can engender, in the human condition, a totality of symptoms that is the most complete and most similar to the case of disease but that, at the same time, exceeds the disease strength

40. Is this natural law a fact? Yes

41. Do scientific explanations for how it takes place matter? Not very much

42. “Any disease (which is not strictly a surgical case) consists solely of a specific dynamic disease ____________ of our life force (life principle) in our __________ and ________” mistunement, feelings and functions

43. Why is the previous view the most probable? Because it’s based on empirical premises

44. What does coffee do to the effects of excessive joy? Extinguishes them

45. “ The life principle, which has been dynamically mistuned by the natural disease is seized during homeopathic cure by the similar yet somewhat stronger which results from the ___________________________ application of the medicinal potence, selected exactly according to symptom of similarity” artificial disease-affection

46. The feeling of natural (weaker) dynamic disease-affection is extinguished and disappears for the life principle and, from then on, no longer exists for the life principle which is occupied solely by the stronger artificial disease-affection (CAN MAKE QUESTION ‘CAUSE DON’T HAVE A F***** CLUE WHAT HE’S TALKING ABOUT, SO JUST READ.) The artificial disease-affection soon plays itself out, leaving the patient free and recuperated. The dynamis, thus feed, can now continue life again, in health.

47. On what does #9 rest on?

a) The human body seems to allow itself to be more effectively altered with its tuning by medicines than by natural disease irritants
b) The inimical potencies in life on earth don’t have an absolute power to morbidly mistune the human condition
c) It is entirely different with the artificial disease potencies which we call medicines.

48. T or F – Medicines cure diseases by acting more effectively on the human body? T

49. T or F – This is due to our ability to regulate the doses? T

50. T or F – The power of natural disease to make us sick doesn’t depen on our susceptibility and exposure to them? F

51. T or F, the power of medicines to affect the health of every human being is absolute and unconditional? T

52. T or F, A medicine’s effects will be perceptible if the dose is large enough? T

53. T or F, Every medicine works at all times, under all circumstances, on every living being? T

54. What is the difference b/w medicinal energies and natural disease energies?

Medicinal energies affect health unconditionally while natural disease energies only affect health under certain conditions

55. Is the greater strength of the medicinal energies the only requirement for it to cure? No

56. What else must it do?

It must be capable of producing an artificial disease as similar as possible to the disease to be cured

Aphorism 35-39: Dissimilar diseases

57. T or F – Not even nature can lift a dissimilar disease that is already present through a stronger, unhomeopathic disease? T

58. T or F – The unhomeopathic employement of ever-so-strong medicines is just as capable of curing anyd disease? F

59. What happens if 2 dissimilar diseases meet together in the human being and they are either of equal strength or the older one happens to be stronger?

Then the older disease will keep the new one away from the body
60. Is this also true for chronic diseases? Yes

61. Can the Levantine plague breakout where scurvy reigns? No

62. Can ppl suffering from eczema get infected with the Levantine plague? No

63. What prevents smallpox vaccination from taking effect? Richitis

64. Do ppl with TB get infected with epidemic fevers? No

65. Do moderate allopathic treatments alter or cure stronger chronic diseases? No

66. What if the treatment goes on for years? No

67. What happens if the newer dissimilar disease is stronger? It will suspend the older disease but never cure it. And sx of the uncure older disease will come back once the new one is cured

68. Give an examples of this? Children with epilepsy were injected with ringworm and their epileptic seizures went away. The seizures came back after being cured from ringworm

69. What suspends itch diathesis? Scurvy

70. What suspends typhus? Pulmonary TB

71. What suspends TB? Mania

72. T or F – Violent allopathic means produce other maladies? T

73. What suspends measles? Smallpox

74. T or F – measles suspended the formation of pox pustules following small pox vaccination? T

75. What suspends cowpox? Scarlet fever

76. What suspends scarlet fever? Cowpox

77. What are the effects of allopathic medicine on chronic diseases? They merely suppress and suspend a chronic disease for as long as tx is kept up, after which the disease always comes to light again, as bad as before or worse

Aphorism 40-49

1. What is a complicated disease? When a new disease joins an old one that is dissimilar to it

2. Do the diseases take up the same regions of the body? No, they take up different organs

3. Can the two diseases cure one another? No, but the sx of one disease might b/m hidden

4. Give an example of complicated disease? Itch diathesis and syphilis

5. Give another example? Smallpox and measles

6. What often causes a doubly diseased case? The use of allopathic medicine to cure one

7. T or F, complicated diseases b/m harder to cure after allopathic tx? True

8. What happens when 2 similar diseases appear? The stronger new disease cures the older

9. Can 2 similar diseases suspend each other? No, one will cure the other

10. Can 2 similar diseases exist together? No

11. Give examples of this phenomenon? Smallpox vaccine have cured eye inflammation and blindiness, deafness, dyspnea, testicular swelling, dysentery, cowpox (other examples p.92-93)

12. Can a dissimilar disease cure another disease? No, it must be similar and stronger

Aphorism 82-104: Taking the Case

1. T or F, Careful investigation of the case is needed for individualized tx? True

2. T or F, The discovery of syphilis has permitted the medical art closer to the nature of the majority of disease to be cured? False, it’s the discovery of psora

3. Is there a difference b/w taking the case of an acute disease compared to a chronic one? Yes

4. What’s the difference? In acute, much shorter time is needed to take the case

5. What are keynotes in case taking? Let the px talk, Obtain info from the px’s relations, Observe the patient, Write the case accurately, Don’t interrupt

6. T or F, you should start a fresh line for each sx or circumstance mentioned? True

7. What do you do once the px is done talking? Go through the list of sx and ask for precision

8. Why shouldn’t you interrupt the patient? b/c it disturbs the px’s train of thought

9. T or F, you should only ask open ended questions? True

10. T or F, you should avoid leading questions? True

11. When do you ask more precise questions? Only after the patient has freely given his account

12. What is more reliable, your observations or the px’s own account? The px’s own account

13. What do you do if a px is already on medication? Make sure to ask him of his sx before the medications since this will give you the real disease image

14. Can you ask a px to get off the meds for a couple of days? According to the organon, yes (but probably not for us)

15. If worse comes to worse and the px can’t remember all his sx before the meds and you can’t ask him to get off them what do you do? Just use the present sx, it’s still good enough

16. What should you note about the px’s recovery? The possible obstacles to recovery

17. What should you pay attention to or consider in chronic diseases of women? Pay special attention to whether they are pregnant or infertile, vaginal discharges…

18. T or F, you must pay attention to the smallest details in cases of chronic diseases? True, they might hold the answer

19. T or F, in acute cases you won’t need to ask as many questions? True

20. In cases of epidemics, how do you get a disease image? You must interview more than one patient

21. “Chronic miasmatic diseases are collective diseases with an extremely large ______________ ___ _____________”? Totality of symptoms

22. “The wesen of the many different forms of psoric disease is the ______”? Same

23. T or F, Different cases of disease in the same epidemic area are in essence the same? True

Aphorism 105-145: Provings
78. What is the second item of business for the medical art practitioner?

The investigation of the implements appointed for the cure of natural disease

79. What must be done before one can appoint a medicine?

All the disease sx and condition-alternating properties that the medicine is able to engender in healthy ppl

80. Why can’t a medicine’s actions be distinctly perceived in a sick person?

Because the medicinal alterations are confounded with the sx of the disease

81. What is the only true method of curing dynamic diseases? Homeopathy

82. “Sx from ______ agree with those from provings” Poisonings

83. What are 3 things that the allopathic observers of poisoning did not suspect?

These sx contained reference to the power of the drugs to cure similar ailments in natural disease

That these disease arousals were indications of their homeopathic curative actions

The only possible investigation of their medicinal powers rests upon the observation of the condition-alterations brought forth by the medicines in healthy organisms

84. Through what are the pure, peculiar powers of medicines for curative purposes not to be discerned with?

a) specious a priori sophistry
b) the smell, taste or appearance of the medicine
c) chemical processing of the medicines
d) the use in diseases of one or several medicines in a mixture

85. T or F – Each medicinal substance engenders a certain unique set of sx? T

86. T or F – Medicinal substances do not act according to definite and eternal natural laws? F

87. T or F – While the counter action of the life principle is perceptible in poisonings, it is rarely perceptible in provings or in the treatment of diseases? T

88. What do you call the sx that oppose the initial action upon the life force? Counter actions/After actions

89. T or F – In provings with moderate doses upon healthy bodies, the after action is seldom or never felt? T

90. T or F – With small doses nothing at all is to be sensed? T

91. T or F – Narcotics may not have a perceptible counter-action even in moderate doses? F

92. What are the “initial actions” of medicine?

Sx whereby the medicine alters the tuning of the px condition and generates a disease state In and on the person’s condition

93. “ some medicines have an initial action with ________ ________.” Reciprocal States

94. What are idiosyncracies?

Cases in which a given individual bodily constitution, although otherwise healthy, has a tendency to be displaced into a more or less diseased state by certain things which seem to make absolutely no impression or alteration in many other ppl

95. What are 2 things needed to bring forth condition alterations?

a) the indwelling pwr of the impinging substance
b) the ability of the spirit-like dynamis that enlivens the organism to be aroused by this impinging substance

96. “Each medicine acts in a ______ way” Unique

97. “No two medicines are ________” Equivalent

98. Why must medicine be thoroughly tested on healthy ppl?

To ascertain each medicine’s pwrs and true actions and to differentiate b/w medicines

99. One must one bear in mind concerning medicinal provings (3)?

a) even in small doses the strong substances tend to arouse condition-alterations even in the robust
b) Substances of milder pwr must be administered in more considerable doses
c) for the action of the weakest medicine to be perceived, they can only be tested upon pp who are free of disease and who are delicate, excitable and sensitive

100. “In provings with unpotentized medicines, substances of diff strength should be proven in different _________” Quantities

101. Why must the substances used in provings be perfectly well-known?

Because the certainty of the entire medial art and the welfare of all future human generations depends on these experiments

102. During provings, each of these medicines must be taken in what form? Simple and unadulterated

103. How should medicines made from indigenous (local) plants be taken?

As freshly expressed juice mixed with some alcohol to prevent spoilage

104. How should exotic (non-local) plants be taken?

Should be made into a powder or extracted fresh and made into a tincture prepared with alcohol. They should be mixed with several parts of water when administered.

105. How should salts and gums be taken?

Should be dissolved in water immediately before being taken

106. What should you do if the plant is only to be had in its dry form and if its powers are naturally weak?

An infusion should be made from it by pouring boiling water over the crushed herb. It should be drunk immediately after being prepared, while still warm.

107. Why must you drink it so quick?

Because the lack of alcohol causes the rapid spoiling of the plant and loss of medicinal power

108. T or F? Provers are aloud to take other medicinal substances during a proving since it won’t affect the results. F

109. How must diet be arranged during a proving?

a) must be simple, nutritious and w/out spices if possible
b) green vegetables, roots, salad an soups should be avoided since they have med pwrs
c) beverage should be those usually taken and as little stimulating as possible

110. What are 5 things a prover must do/be?

a) guard against mental and bodily exertion
b) guard against all excess and disturbing passions
c) have no urgent business
d) be bodily healthy
e) posses the necessary intellect to be able to name and describe one’s sensibilities

34. T or F? Provers must be only male. F

111. “Medicinal substances should be proven in __________ form in order to reveal their full hidden powers" potentized

112. How are substances deemed weak best investigated?

The prover should take, daily on an empty stomach, 4 to 6 of the finest globules of the 30C potency of such a substance, moistened with a little water or dissolved in a larger or smaller amount of water and well succussed, for several days.

113. “Provers should start with a ______ dose and then ______ it if necessary” small, increase

114. What do provings made only with one dose provide?

Information about the order in which sx appear and duration of the med’s action (by repetition of one dose)

115. T or F? The action of medicine is less clear when a prover must take increasing doses on successive days. T

116. What type of dose is preferred if someone wants to investigate only the sx themselves?


117. What must one also do to determine the exact character of each sx of a medicine?

Place oneself in different situations to see if the sx lessens or increases in diff situations.

118. T or F? Diff sx of a medicine appear in diff provers and in diff tests with the same prover. T

119. T or F? Even the sx that are only rarely brought forth in the proving of a medicine can be cured by that medicine when sx appear in sick person. T

120. T or F? Moderate proving doses yield better info and are safer than larger doses. T

121. The prover should keep journals of his/her experiences which should include what?

a) Each sensibilities observed
b) Time elapsed b/w taken med and experiencing something
c) Duration of sx

122. T or F? The provers should be interviewed daily by the supervising physician? T

123. Which are the best provings?

Those that the physician employs upon himself

124. Why should a physician test on himself?

a) get a better understanding of how the medicine cures
b) they teach the physician about themselves
c) he will dev into a good observer
d) the info is more reliable
e) encourages him to do more provings
f) it improves his own health

125. The investigation of medicines by studying their actions in sick ppl should be left only to who? Masters of observation

126. What is a true material medica?

A collection of the genuine, pure, unmistakable modes of action of simple medicinal substances. It is a codex of nature

127. T or F? By paying a prover you lose validity. T

Aphorism 204-209: The chronic miasms

128. T or F – the entire organism is pervaded by the miasm before its primary sx appear? T

129. What do the primary sx serve to do? Serve to prevent the outbreak of internal disease

130. What are the 3 chronic internal miasms? Syphilis, Sycosis, Psora

131. Which is of greater importance? Psora

132. How does the miasm express itself itself when its representative local symptom is removed?

Through the development of characteristic chronic diseases

133. T or F – the homeopathic physician never uses local means to treat these primary symptoms of chronic miasms? T

134. So how do they treat the underlying miasms? With internal homeopathic remedies

135. Why does the homeopathic physician generally have to deal with the secondary symptoms?

B/c the primary sx have already been outwardly annihilated by the old school physician who previously treated the case

136. What must be done b/f beginning the treatment of a chronic malady?

The most careful inquiry is required in order to determine whether or not the patient has had a venereal infection, either syphilis or the rare figwart disease (gonorrhea)

137. What do you do if the only sx present are those of syphilis or gonorrhea?

The tx must be directed against this alone (such cases are very rare)

138. What do you do in any case of psora with a history of venereal infection?

The veneral infx must be taken into consideration as it will have complicated the psora

139. When is this the case?

When the sx are not those of pure psora

140. Why is it that if the physician imagines that he has a case of old venereal disease before him/her, he in fact has a case that is principally associated with psora?

b/c the internal itch diathesis (psora) is by far the most frequent fundamental cause of chronic disease

141. Is it possible for the physician to have to combat both the psora and syphilis miasm as well as the sycosis miasm? Yes

142. What is the most common case? Psora alone or complicated with allopathic medicine

143. What must the physician do wants he/she knows what miasm is involved? Find out what type of allopathic therapy the patient has had

144. What should the patient take into consideration in order to discover what things in the px’s life might tend to increase his malady?

- age
- lifestyle
- diet
- occupations
- domestic situations
- civic relations

145. Why must his/her mode of thought and emotions be considered? To determine whether it hinders treatment, and to determine whether it should be psychologically guided, fostered or modified

146. Once the physician has all that information, what can he start doing? Can start to seek in several interviews, the sketch of the disease image as completely as possible.

147. Based on the symptoms, what type of remedy will the physician start? The medication that has the utmost possible similarity of signs to those of the disease (most antimiasmatic medicine)

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