Adolescence describes the transition from childhood to adulthood, and is ushered in by hormonal changes that occur at about 10 or 11 years of age in girls and a year or so later in boys. Height and weight are gained during adolescence, but more significant is the progression to sexual maturity. In boys, this takes the form of an enlargement
of the genitals and the larynx, and the appearance of body hair; in girls, it involves the development of breasts and body hair, and the onset of menstrual periods. Emotionally and intellectually, adolescence is a time of great change as a teenager veers between dependence and independence, and peers very often become more important role models than parents. Many of the disorders encountered during adolescence result from the great hormonal changes that take place at this stage of life. Ailments may be exacerbated by emotional, academic, and peer-group pressures, and may require long-term, constitutional homeopathic treatment in some cases. Homeopathic remedies and
other self-help measures can help address bodily imbalances in the short term.
This viral infection is spread by personal contact. It starts like influenza, with fever, sore throat, headache, and general aches and pains. Within a day or two the lymph glands, especially those in the throat, become swollen and painful and the tonsils enlarged and dirty-looking. There may be a rash, and—in rare cases—jaundice. Although symptoms usually wear off in two or three weeks, full recovery may take longer and lethargy may last for months. Stress, such as that generated by overworking
for exams or the breakup of a relationship, may increase susceptibility to mononucleosis.
SELF-HELP Rest in bed until acute symptoms abate, after which avoid strenuous exercise and do only 75 percent of what you are capable of doing, both physically and mentally, until recovery is complete.
CAUTION See a doctor for a blood test to confirm the diagnosis.
Sweat glands in the groin and underarms become functional at about 15 or 16 in girls and a year or two later in boys. Most anxiety about body odor occurs as a result of the unfamiliar smell rather than an excess of perspiration. The odor becomes offensive when bacteria breed in the stale sweat. Perspiration may be increased by stress and during menstruation in girls.
SELF-HELP Wash thoroughly every day using alkaline soap, which will discourage the proliferation of bacteria.
CAUTION If symptoms persist, consult a doctor.
This describes a state of extreme anxiety about taking exams that almost amounts to a phobia. Psychological symptoms include a feeling of panic and an inability to concentrate. Physical symptoms include diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and headache.The condition may be exacerbated by other problems—for example, difficulty in studying at home or pressure to achieve high grades. Constitutional homeopathic treatment may be required.
SELF-HELP Time management is the key to controlling anxiety. Start studying well in advance; draw up a timetable that divides subjects into manageable units and covers all topics adequately; and always include time out. Also, make sure that you get enough rest.Remedies should be taken on the day of the exam but also for some
days before whenever symptoms appear.
CAUTION If symptoms persist, consult a doctor.
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